
A collection of functions to be used with the ZipMapPipeline.

pydantic model eogrow.utils.zipmap.MapParams[source]

Bases: Schema

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

field default: int | None = None
field dtype: dtype [Required]
Validated by:
  • optional_parse_dtype

field mapping: Dict[int, int] [Required]
eogrow.utils.zipmap.map_values(array, *, mapping, default=None, dtype=None)[source]

Maps all values from array according to a dictionary. A default value can be given, which is assigned to values without a corresponding key in the mapping dictionary.

Vectorizing the .get method is faster, but difficult to do with a default (and also loses speed advantage).

  • array (ndarray) –

  • mapping (dict[int, int]) –

  • default (int | None) –

  • dtype (dtype | None) –

Return type:
